现货促销sigma放射自显影磷光标记笔Glow Writer autoradiography Pen
货号Z738603 sigma
Glow Writer™
autoradiography pen
marking pen
Glow Write™放射自显影笔
相关关键词:放射自显影, 放射自显影胶片配件, 放射自显影磷光标记, 电泳耗材, 标签和标记,
实验设备, 标记
General description
Glow Writer is a phosphorescent marking pen for annotating or
marking chemiluminescent and isotope-labeled substrates for X-ray film
autography. The unique marker delivers a phosphor-containing marking ink through
a fine point porous nib. Before exposure to X-ray film, the phosphorescent
writing is excited by bright room light. A phosphor ink having an optimum
concentration of phosphor and a relatively short afterglow half-life (approx.
2-3 minutes) has been selected so that upon exposure to X-ray film, autographic
exposures of almost any duration will be easily readable on the film. The fine
point nib is easily replaceable if it dries out.
Glow Writer is a trademark of Diversified Biotech
Glow Write™磷光标记笔用于批注或标记X射线胶片上的化学发光和同位素标记的底物。独特的标记通过细一点多孔笔尖提供了含荧光剂的油墨标印。暴露于X射线胶片之前,磷光油墨由明亮的房间内的光激发。磷光标价笔的最佳浓度和相对较短的余辉半衰期(约2-3分钟)已经选好,以便在X射线胶片达到最佳曝光,几乎任何时间自显影曝光都易于阅读胶片。可替换头,带有2个替换笔头。